Debi van Zyl



It is no secret that I am a huge fan of Los Angeles. Huge. It's my adopted city after having lived in three countries and multiple cities and it is by far one of my favorites cities in the world (London and Melbourne, don't get jealous... You're right up there with LA!). But for as long as I've loved LA, I've also loved the idea of a living a more quiet life outside the city.

These past couple of months, my husband and I have been working out a way to make the quieter life become a reality. And we're taking the leap.

Actually, we've already leapt. Well, one of us has. Mr D. has made the permanent move but for me it will be a longer farewell to Los Angeles. I am still living and working in LA and will be for a while; I will be "commuting" to the country. Smithville, Texas, to be exact.

Smithville is just over 40 miles outside of Austin, Texas. We found this charming little house to rent in the country outside Smithville while we figure some stuff out (aka, how do you get internet out here? How do we make a living long-term? How do we weather living apart for months? How do I move my business? How big are the spiders out here?!?!).

I came out here last week for the Thanksgiving holiday and will head back to LA in a couple of days. Eventually it will be the other way around and I will pack up our sweet little LA apartment and make this leap too. A lot of the design work I do can be done remotely (to a certain extent) and I will commute back to Los Angeles. Of course I'll continue making beasts and slowly, but surely, we'll figure this out. But, for now, I am both city mouse and country mouse.

Am I sad to leave Los Angeles? Yes. Am I excited about moving? Absolutely!

to be continued...

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