Debi van Zyl


No offense, Blog, but I want to go away for a while.

I think about disappearing, not forever, just for a little while. A few nights ago I dreamed I flew to Switzerland for no reason. And last night I dreamed I flew to Africa, destination unclear. The thing I do remember was that I was putting on the most wonderful shade of red lipstick in the airport bathroom before we took off and I had such nice shoes.

But, fear not, dear Blog... I'm not going anywhere. But I need you to agree on one thing: you'll put up with my rants for the next few months. I think I'm busting at the seams with both the good and the bad, so please be patient.

I have a few exhibitions that are being fabricated and installed this Spring and Summer and either I let it all get to me, or I tell you all about it.



Let the show go on.


{image via hello friend}
Debi van Zyl5 Comments